CanFURence 2017: Join the adventure!

CanFurence 2017: Join The Adventure

Hello everyone, Star Dust Cosplay here! This time (Weekend Nov. 10-12th) we covered CanFurence for the first time ever! I didn't know quite what to expect, having never attended before, but having done so now, I can say it was the place to be this weekend! People and furries from all around gathered in a happy welcoming place to share fun times, laughter, and memories together.  Canfurence 2017: Join The Adventure was an amazing experience for me, I was able to meet so many wonderful people. So cheers to CanFurence for being such a great con!

Canfurence 2017 had many different things to offer this past weekend. For starters there were amazing panels to check out for everyone to go and see! To name a few:

CanFurence 2017 started things off with The Opening Ceremony Panel! It was a panel to welcome everyone to the con and to talk about what to expect this weekend, what was happening, and all the awesome things the con itself had to offer. It was a great kick off to the con and was very welcoming, fun, and inviting! 

Another panel was; This Is Your First Con? It was a panel geared towards people that never attended a furry convention before. It talked about what brought the attendees to this specific con, what interests them, what to expect this weekend, and was a lot of fun. It also addressed the rules about getting enough sleep and taking care of yourself despite all the fun you'd be having at the con! It was a very good panel, and it was a very good one to attend.

A super fun panel was the Fur Suit Games! Furries participated in different games as the audience watched and cheered them on as they played against (two teams) each other and competed for the grand prize of the minion pinata filled with candy! Every participant got a medal for playing and got a swing at the pinata and dove in after the candy with such excitement It was a positive energy room and full of fun!

Below is pictures of the tired furries after the fur suit games laying on the floor!

One last panel mention; Cats I Fits I Sits! It was a social panel where cat furries gathered together and play in boxes around the room! Everyone had so much fun playing around i boxes and talking laughing . It was a very good time for everyone. We even built a giant tower out of the boxes!

There was so much more to the con than just panels tho! There was the Swag shop which of course guessed it! Swag! It featured bandannas, buttons, lanyards, and t-shirts from this years event that attendees could purchase. The staff running it was super nice as well. 

The con offered Fursuit Photos where furries in their fursuits could come and get their photo taken, and for a low price get a print of their photo. It's nice to be able to take home a lasting memory of the con.

There was also the artist alley, where artists were gathered to show their artwork, and attendees could come and view their work or even make a purchase.

Additionally, you could participate in a charity auction where you could bid on items like stuffies, paintings, flags, and more! There was a panel held to tell who won which item!

Of course there was the Dealers Den, with many booths set up, featuring different kinds of items such as; buttons, artwork, stickers, ears, tails, and so much more!

Below you can watch a couple of quick interviews I filmed with two awesome fursuitters!

There was lots of fursuitters in attendance, wearing their impressive outfits! Below are some pics:

CanFurence even had a table for Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue! A program to help get strays off the street and into proper homes! A great booth and a great cause!

The con had a great turnout, and everyone was very happy to be there! I look forward to what next year will bring. Next year the con will take place in August, in Kanata!

The staff were very welcoming and the whole pack felt like one big happy family. I never felt so welcome at a con before! It was an amazing experience. I for one, will certainly be at CanFurence 2018! I'm looking forward to that next adventure!

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