Hello everyone, Star Dust Cosplay here with another article! This time, for the first time, we were at Geeked Out Gamer Con in Kanata, ON! It was Held on August 19th, 2018. The event was hosted by Geeked Out Toy & Collectible Sale The con was held at the Holiday Inn and Suites & was geared towards Gamers & Geeks. Let's see what the con had to offer shall we?
There was much to do at this "Gamer Con!" They had the vendor room which was the main part of the event! They sold items such as board games, trading cards, figurines, funko pop figures, stuffed plushes, and of course video games for all systems!
Let's talk about the vendors that were there:
Other than the vendors, they had a "Gaming Room." In this room was a sealed event of Magic the Gathering! Players were able to register and participate in an MTG event and play to win! The event for the Magic tournament was hosted by The Gaming Kingdom
Last, but certainly not least they had a opportunity for everyone to step into the wold of virtual reality!. It was a super awesome thing to do, and everyone loved it! The virtual reality was hosted by Colony VR.
It truly was a spectacular event, and the place to be this past weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone next year!
There was much to do at this "Gamer Con!" They had the vendor room which was the main part of the event! They sold items such as board games, trading cards, figurines, funko pop figures, stuffed plushes, and of course video games for all systems!
Let's talk about the vendors that were there:
(No name Specified)
This vendor was very neat to our eye! They made geeky items out of wood. Way cool!
(No Name Specificed)
This vendor sold items of the Geeky nature! There were hand made pixels and figurines. Wow!
Yuki's Geekifact
Etsy: TukiGeekifacts
Facebook: Yuki's Geekifact
With this vendor, they mad hand made pixel items. We were very impressed with their work! They had everything from jars of fairies to Sora from Kingdom Hearts!
(No Name Specificed)
With this vendoor, she was an artisit that made Geeky things to prints of art. Marvelous work we must say!
(Sweet Ingenuity)
Etsy: SweetIngenuity
Instragram: @SweetIngenuity
Youtube: SweetI Ingenuity
These vendors were aristis that made prints, buttons, stickers, pixel items, and much more!
(No Name Specificed)
Another creative artist, we met, ade prints, buttons, stickers, and eveyrthing realte dto appeal to gamers everywhere. It was truly something nice to put on your wall!
Geeked Out Toys and Collectibles
They were the main hosts of the event! The reason the whole event was happening! They sold everything for magic cards, pokemon cards, yu gi oh, funko pops, plushes, figurines, board games, and video games. Without them this event wouldn't have exsisted!
Gaming Kingdom
This vendor was a big part of the event Not only did they buy, sell trade, games, and cards, they sold all types of games: video games, board games, cards, everything your little geeky heart would desire! They also were the hosts of the Magic Sealed Tournament! (To be discussed later in the article)
E-Mail: info@gaming.kingdom.com
Website: www.Gaming-Kingdom.com
Last, but certainly not least they had a opportunity for everyone to step into the wold of virtual reality!. It was a super awesome thing to do, and everyone loved it! The virtual reality was hosted by Colony VR.
It truly was a spectacular event, and the place to be this past weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone next year!
About The Journalist:
Lorrene Gibeault is a Cosplayer, and has been a Journalist & Photographer with Digital Mayhem Radio for over 3 years.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GibeaultLorrene
My Amazon Wishlist: http://a.co/c3T1iqk